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411 results German - English substring search »
Alopezie, Haarausfall   -   alopecia, the loss of hair, baldness (medical)
dasselbe   -   the same
der; die; das   -   the
epidural, extradural, supradural   -   epidural, extradural the space where spinal fluid circulates around the cord (medical)
Glykämia, Glukose im Blut   -   glycemia, sugar in the blood (medical)
links   -   on the left
obenab   -   at the top
u.ä.   -   and the like
voran   -   at the head
am Kai   -   on the quay
Asystolie, Herzstillstand   -   asystole, heart attack, often the moment of death asystolie (medical)
die Armen   -   the poor
Dünnpfiff   -   the runs
früher   -   in the past
oben   -   at the top of
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Say no, then negotiate. -- Helga
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