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164 results German - English substring search »
rechner   -   computer
Rechner {m}   -   computer
Computer {m}   -   computer
Computer {pl}   -   computers
Computer-Teile   -   hardware
Computer-Teile {pl}   -   hardware
Reiter [m] [computer]   -   tab
Computer Programme   -   software
Informatik   -   computer science
Wirtsrechner {m}   -   host computer
der Monitor   -   computer monitor
Kleinrechner {m}   -   small computer
Nebenrechner {m}   -   slave computer
Ersatzrechner, Reserverechner   -   backup computer
Hybridrechner   -   hybrid computer
   |    next 15 »
Turnaucka's Law: The attention span of a computer is only as long as its electrical cord.
processing time: 1.006 [sec]

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