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29 results German - English substring search »
aus   -   off
Amt, Buero   -   office
Amt, Büro, Geschäftsraum, Amtsstube   -   office
Hohn, Spott   -   scoff
offen   -   open
offen, öffnen   -   open
Riss {m} (im Stoff)   -   tear
Amt {n}; Dienst {m}; Büro {n}   -   office
Brenn-, Kraftstoff   -   fuel
Büro, Dienststelle   -   office
Flegel, Stoffel   -   boor
hofft   -   hopes
hofft   -   weens
Koffer {m}   -   bag
offen   -   frank
   |    next 15 »
aquadextrous, adj.: Possessing the ability to turn the bathtub faucet on and off with your toes. -- Rich Hall, "Sniglets"
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