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15 results German - English substring search »
Basen, Unterbauten   -   bases
Basen {pl}; Unterbauten {pl}   -   bases
Grundlagen {pl}   -   bases
Radstände {pl}   -   wheel bases
Datenbanken {pl}   -   data bases
Rechtsgrundlagen {pl}   -   legal bases
Schädelbasen {pl}   -   bases of the skull
Blepharitis oleosa   -   greasy blepharitis, blepharitis oleosa- a form of blepharitis squamosa in which a yellow,waxy crust forms about the bases of the cilia (medical)
komplementäre Nukleinbasen   -   nucleic bases complementarity (medical)
gemeinst   -   basest
Dateien   -   databases
Dateien, Datenbanken   -   databases
erniedrigt   -   abases
Dateien {pl}; Datenbanken {pl}   -   databases
verschlechtert   -   debases
He is considered a most graceful speaker who can say nothing in the most words.
processing time: 0.056 [sec]

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