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8 results German - English substring search »
Ausbruch {m}   -   eruption
Franghi, Franji, Primäraffekt, Mutterpapel   -   hard chancre, primary lesion, primary eruption (from syphilis) (medical)
Vulkanausbruch {m}   -   volcanic eruption
der Gasausbruch (m)   -   gas eruption [tech.]
Ausbrüche {pl}   -   eruptions
Ausbrueche   -   eruptions
Sonneneruption {f}   -   solar flare
Sonneneruption {f}   -   volcanic eruption of the surface of the sun
At the foot of the mountain, thunder: The image of Providing Nourishment. Thus the superior man is careful of his words And temperate in eating and drinking.
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