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205 results German - English substring search »
scheu, schüchtern   -   shy
scheu {adj}   -   shy
Ehrfurcht {f}; Scheu {f}   -   awe
Ehrfurcht; Scheu   -   awe
nicht scheu   -   unbashful
[ Personenname ]   -   Scheu
nicht scheu   -   unbashfully
Mach mal nicht die Pferde scheu!   -   Keep your shirt on!
Ekel, Abscheu   -   disgust
scheut   -   shies
Scheune {f}   -   barn
scheute   -   shied
aufjagen, aufscheuchen   -   rouse
fürchten, scheuen, Furcht, Scheu   -   dread
scheuen   -   to shy
   |    next 15 »
The nice thing about egotists is that they don't talk about other people. -- Lucille S. Harper
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