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121 results German - English whole word search »
Sprache {f}   -   language
Sprachen {pl}   -   languages
JCL, Auftragssteuersprache, Kommandosprache   -   job control language
Klartext {m}   -   plain language
Fachsprache {f}   -   shop language
Metasprache {f}   -   meta language
Sprachkurs {m}   -   language course
Weltsprache {f}   -   world language
Zielsprache   -   target language
Sprach|gebrauch, -verwendung   -   language use
tote Sprachen   -   dead languages
Zielsprache {f}   -   object language
Fachsprache {f}   -   special language
Muttersprache   -   native language
Weltsprachen {pl}   -   world languages
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If a guru falls in the forest with no one to hear him, was he really a guru at all? -- Strange de Jim, "The Metasexuals"
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