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25 results German - English substring search »
Abscheidungsgrad {m}   -   separation efficiency
Reifenwulstablösung {f}   -   tyre bead separation
Trennungsvereinbarung   -   separation agreement
Verreibung (Lösung) {f}   -   internal rubber separation
Maß der akustischen Abstände   -   degrees of acoustic separation
Lagenlösung {f}   -   casing looseness; ply looseness; ply separation
Laufflächenablösung {f}   -   tread separation; tyre tread separation
Protektorlösung {f}   -   loose tread; tread looseness; tyre tread separation
Laufflächentrennung {f}   -   tread separations
Entmischungstemperatur {f}   -   demixing (separation) temperature
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But since I knew now that I could hope for nothing of greater value than frivolous pleasures, what point was there in denying myself of them? -- M. Proust
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