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27 results German - English substring search »
stillschweigend   -   being silent
Schweigemarsch {m}   -   silent protest
stille; ruhig; wortkarg   -   silent
Schweigemärsche {pl}   -   silent protests
stiller Teilhaber   -   silent partner
stillschweigende Zustimmung   -   silent consent
stiller Gesellschafter   -   sleeping partner; silent partner [Am.]
stumm wie ein Fisch   -   as mute as a maggot; (as) silent as the grave
Die großen Vergnügungen im Leben machen keinen Krach.   -   All great pleasures in life are silent.
still   -   silently
Stille {f}   -   silentness
schweigend   -   silently
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inbox, n.: A catch basin for everything you don't want to deal with, but are afraid to throw away.
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