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100 results German - English substring search »
Aufgabe, Problem, Schwierigkeit   -   problem
Problem, Schwierigkeit, Fragestellung   -   problem
Aufgabe {f}; Problem {n}; Schwierigkeit {f}   -   problem
Problem {n}; Aufgabe {f}; Sorge {f}   -   problem
Geschäft, Sache, Problem   -   business
Streitfall {m}; Streitfrage {f}; Problem {n}   -   issue
Geschäft {n}; Sache {f}; Problem {n}   -   business
Amblyopie, Schwachsichtigkeit   -   amblyopia, vision problem, "lazy eye" syndrome (medical)
Schwierigkeit {f}; Problem {n}   -   trouble
Sorgenkind {n}   -   problem child
Problem lösen   -   solve a problem
das Problem ist   -   the trouble is
akutes Problem   -   pressing problem
kleineres Problem   -   minor problem
für dieses Problem   -   on this problem
   |    next 15 »
"How many teamsters does it take to screw in a light bulb?" "FIFTEEN!! YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT?"
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