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111 results German - English substring search »
andere   -   other
sonstig   -   other
einander   -   each other
anders als   -   other than
neulich   -   the other day
[ Personenname ]   -   Other
andermal   -   some other time
irgendeine Bank, mit Ausnahme von   -   any bank, other than
jeder Zweite   -   every other
zusätzlich; andere   -   other
einander; sich   -   each other
irgendwie   -   somehow or other
jenseits   -   on the other side
andere   -   others
Bruder, Kollege   -   brother
   |    next 15 »
"More software projects have gone awry for lack of calendar time than for all other causes combined." -- Fred Brooks, Jr., _The Mythical Man Month_
processing time: 3.121 [sec]

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