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92 results German - English substring search »
Grund, Ursache, Veranlassung   -   cause
Grund {m}; Verursachen {n}   -   cause
Sache {f}   -   cause
kausal, Ursache betreffend   -   causal, cause-related causal, (medical)
Ursache, Verursachung, verursachen   -   cause
Ursache {f}; Grund {m}; Anlass {m}   -   cause
begründen, verursachen, veranlassen   -   cause
veranlassen   -   to cause
Grund/verursachen   -   cause
Grundursache {f}   -   root cause
Hauptursache   -   chief cause
triftiger Grund   -   just cause
Klagegrund {m}   -   cause of action
Todesursache {f}   -   cause of death
Unfallursache   -   accident cause
   |    next 15 »
Alden's Laws: (1) Giving away baby clothes and furniture is the major cause of pregnancy. (2) Always be backlit. (3) Sit down whenever possible.
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