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229 results German - English substring search »
diese   -   this
Dieses   -   This
Dieses   -   this
Bedauere, dieser Platz ist besetzt.   -   Sorry, this seat is taken.
heuer   -   this year
hierbei   -   at this
diesmal   -   this time
hiermit   -   with this
oben, diese Seite nach oben   -   this side up
hiernach   -   after this
dieses Mal   -   this time
hierdurch   -   through this
hiergegen   -   against this
hierunter   -   beneath this
bis heute   -   till this day
   |    next 15 »
Animals can be driven crazy by putting too many in too small a pen. Homo sapiens is the only animal that voluntarily does this to himself. -- Lazarus Long
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