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128 results German - English substring search »
Druck, Dringlichkeit   -   pressure
Druck {m}   -   pressure
Druck {m}; Dringlichkeit {f}   -   pressure
Decubitus, Dekubitalgeschwür, Dekubitalnekrose, Druckbrand, Druckgangrän, Druckgeschwür, Wundliegen, Durchliegen, Dekubitus   -   decubitus, bedsore from lying down too long, pressure sore (medical)
Druck {m} von Kollegen   -   peer pressure
Öldruck {m}   -   oil pressure
Lohndruck   -   wage pressure
Luftdruck {m}   -   air pressure
Tiefdruck {m}   -   low pressure
Hochdruck {m}   -   high pressure
Blutdruck {m}   -   blood pressure
Dermographie, Hautschrift   -   dermographia, using pressure or friction to write on skin (medical)
Druckkammer {f}   -   pressure box
Fließdruck {m}   -   flow pressure
Kaufzwang   -   pressure to buy
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Beware of self-styled experts: an ex is a has-been, and a spurt is a drip under pressure.
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