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211 results German - English substring search »
erlauben   -   allow
gewähren, gestatten   -   allow
zubilligen, zugestehen, erlauben, gestatten   -   allow
zulassen   -   to allow
ermöglichen   -   to allow
gönnen   -   to grant; to allow
gestatten; zulassen   -   to allow of
Einsicht gewähren   -   allow inspection
Forderung anerkennen   -   allow a claim
etwas berücksichtigen   -   allow for sth.
einen Kredit einräumen   -   allow a credit
Forderung anerkennen   -   to allow a claim
nackt   -   callow
Talg {m}   -   tallow
erlaubt   -   allows
   |    next 15 »
Canada Bill Jones's Motto: It's morally wrong to allow suckers to keep their money. Canada Bill Jones's Supplement: A Smith and Wesson beats four aces.
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