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267 results German - English substring search »
Geld {n}   -   money
das Geld   -   money
Bankgeld   -   bank money
Bargeld, verfügbares Geld   -   ready money
Buchgeld   -   book money
Geldkurs   -   money rate
Prämie, Option   -   option money
am Geld   -   at-the-money
Fluchtgeld, heißes Geld   -   hot money
Geldtasche   -   money bag
im Geld   -   in-the-money
Außenstände   -   money due
Buchgeld   -   credit money
Hartgeld   -   coined money
Kaution   -   caution money
   |    next 15 »
Canada Bill Jones's Motto: It's morally wrong to allow suckers to keep their money. Canada Bill Jones's Supplement: A Smith and Wesson beats four aces.
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