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89 results German - English substring search »
Art {f}   -   fits
Weinkrämpfe {pl}   -   crying fits
Wutanfälle {pl}   -   fits of rage
Fieberschauer {pl}   -   shivering fits
Fieberschauern   -   shivering fits
Hustenanfälle   -   fits of coughing
Hustenanfälle {pl}   -   fits of coughing
Schwindelanfälle {pl}   -   fits of dizziness
Tobsuchtsanfälle {pl}   -   fits of raving madness
Er fügt sich gut ein.   -   He fits in very well.
Das sitzt wie angegossen.   -   It fits like a glove.
- : wenn du dich angesprochen fühlst   -   ITSFWI : if the shoe fits, wear it
ziemt   -   befits
nützt   -   benefits
Abwuerfe, Gewinne   -   profits
   |    next 15 »
Carson's Observation on Footwear: If the shoe fits, buy the other one too.
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