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35 results German - English substring search »
jemand   -   somebody
gefällst   -   somebody likes you
vorhalten   -   to hold before somebody
vorhalten   -   to reproach somebody with
jemand; irgendjemand   -   someone; somebody
jemandem nachkommen   -   to follow somebody
jemandem zumuten   -   to expect of somebody
jemanden beschimpfen   -   to call somebody names
jemanden anpumpen   -   to cadge money from somebody
das Wort weiter geben an   -   to hand over to somebody
jemanden (total) ausnehmen   -   to bleed white somebody
jemandem die Schuld geben für   -   to blame somebody for
böse auf jemanden werden   -   to get shirty with somebody
bei jemandem anecken   -   to rub somebody up the wrong way
jemandem die Treue brechen   -   to break faith to somebody
   |    next 15 »
Conscience is the inner voice that warns us somebody may be looking. -- H. L. Mencken, "A Mencken Chrestomathy"
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