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57 results German - English substring search »
Reform {f}   -   reform
Besserung {f}; Verbesserung {f}   -   reform
Reform {f}   -   reformation
jemanden bessern   -   to reform
forstet auf Reform   -   reforests
läutern   -   to purify; to reform
soziale Reform   -   social reform
gründliche Reform   -   radical reform
verbessern; umgestalten   -   to reform
Reform der beruflichen Bildung   -   vocational education reform
Reform der beruflichen Ausbildung   -   vocational training reform
Reformer {m}   -   reformer
reformieren, Reform   -   reform
reformiert   -   reforms
verbessert   -   reforms
   |    next 15 »
If man is only a little lower than the angels, the angels should reform. -- Mary Wilson Little
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