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216 results German - English substring search »
Dokument, Handelspapier   -   document
Urkunde {f}   -   document
Dokument {n}   -   document
Unterlage {f}; Dokument {n}   -   document
das Schriftgut   -   document
Form, Aufmachung eines Dokuments   -   form of a document
Belegdatum {n}   -   document date
dokumentieren   -   to document
Tischvorlage   -   room document
Urbeleg {m}   -   original document
Belegleser {m}   -   document reader
Einzelbeleg {m}   -   single document
Urschrift {f}   -   original document
Irrläufer {m} (Dokument)   -   misrouted document
Bearbeiten {n} eines Dokuments   -   editing a document
   |    next 15 »
Kaufman's Law: A policy is a restrictive document to prevent a recurrence of a single incident, in which that incident is never mentioned.
processing time: 0.491 [sec]

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