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369 results German - English substring search »
Ja, was ich sagen wollte.   -   Oh, by the way.
Ohren   -   ear, the ears, the outer ears (medical)
zum   -   to the
Amnion   -   amnion, sack containing the fetus (medical)
Atrium, Vorhof   -   atrium, part of the heart (medical)
beim   -   near the
kaudal, steißwärts, zum Gesäß   -   caudal, near/towards the tail caudal (medical)
Zygote, befruchtete Eizelle   -   zygote, fertilized ovum, the cell resulting from the union of a male and a female gamete (medical)
biliär, Gallen-   -   biliary, bile-related, pertaining to the bile ducts or the gallbladder (medical)
Armen {pl}   -   the poor
Keloide, Wulstnarbe   -   cheloid, keloid, an elevated, irregular scar from the formation of excessive amounts of collagen (medical)
oben   -   at the head
Serotyp   -   serotype, serological type (in immunology) the genotype of a unicellular organism (medical)
wenn   -   by the time
- : Ach, übrigens   -   OBTW : oh, by the way
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One monk said to the other, "The fish has flopped out of the net! How will it live?" The other said, "When you have gotten out of the net, I'll tell you."
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