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11 results German - English substring search »
Gemueter   -   minds
Gemüter {pl}   -   minds
Gedächtnisse {pl}   -   minds
Gedaechtnisse   -   minds
Kleingeister {pl}   -   little minds
- : Große Geister denken genauso.   -   GMTA : Great minds think alike.
Er ist im Zweifel, ob er gehen soll.   -   He's in two minds as to whether he should go or not.
erinnert   -   reminds
lenkt   -   masterminds
erinnert; mahnt   -   reminds
Das erinnert mich an zu Hause.   -   This reminds me of home.
Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. -- G. B. Shaw
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