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23 results German - English substring search »
Abwendung, Verhuetung   -   prevention
Abwendung {f}; Verhütung {f}; Vorbeugung {f}; Prävention {f}   -   prevention
Verhütung {f}   -   prevention
Verhinderung   -   prevention
Brandschutz {m}   -   fire prevention
Feuerverhütung   -   fire prevention
Feuerverhütung   -   prevention of fire
Schadensverhütung   -   loss prevention
Unfallverhütung   -   accident prevention
die Abfallvermeidung   -   waste prevention
die Unfallverhütung   -   accident prevention
Unfallverhütung {f}   -   prevention of accidents
die Unfallverhütung   -   prevention of accidents
Doppelbelichtungssperre {f} (Fotoapparat)   -   double exposure prevention
Vermeidung von ungebührlichen Härten   -   prevention of undue hardship
   |    next 15 »
Rocky's Lemma of Innovation Prevention: Unless the results are known in advance, funding agencies will reject the proposal.
processing time: 0.065 [sec]

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