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35 results German - English substring search »
atomar   -   atomic
Atombombe   -   atomic bomb
Atommuell   -   atomic waste
Atommüll {m}   -   atomic waste
Atomhülle {f}   -   atomic shell
Atombomben {pl}   -   atomic bombs
der Atomkern   -   atomic core
die Atomuhr   -   atomic clock
Atomzeitalter {n}   -   atomic age
Atomenergie {f}   -   atomic energy
der Atomkern   -   atomic nucleus
Ordnungszahl {f}   -   atomic number
Atomgesetz {n}   -   Atomic Energy Act
Atombombe {f}   -   A-bomb; atomic bomb
Atomforschung {f}   -   atomic research
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The optimist thinks that this is the best of all possible worlds, and the pessimist knows it. -- J. Robert Oppenheimer, "Bulletin of Atomic Scientists"
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