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41 results German - English substring search »
Gefühl, abtastend   -   feeling
Gefühl, Empfindung   -   feeling
Gefühl {n}   -   feeling
schämend   -   feeling ashamed
[ Personenname ]   -   Feeling
Volksstimmung {f}   -   public feeling
das Hungergefühl   -   hungry feeling
Wohlbehagen {n}   -   comfortable feeling
das Schuldgefühl   -   feeling of guilt
Geborgenheit {f}   -   feeling of security
Missbehagen {n}   -   uncomfortable feeling
Feinfühligkeit {f}   -   delicacy of feeling
angenehmes Gefühl   -   pleasurable feeling
Nicht übelnehmen!   -   No ill feeling meant!
Nichts für ungut!   -   No ill feeling meant!
   |    next 15 »
Wonder is the feeling of a philosopher, and philosophy begins in wonder. -- Socrates, quoting Plato [Huh? That's like Johnson quoting Boswell]
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