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369 results German - English substring search »
ihm   -   him
gefiel   -   liked him
[ Personenname ]   -   Him
Sage ihm, er soll gehen!   -   Tell him to go!
seinetwegen   -   because of him
geh mit ihm   -   go along with him
Hol ihn der Teufel!   -   Curse him!
Ich vertraue ihm.   -   I trust him.
Geh mit ihm!   -   Go along with him!
Gib ihm Saures!   -   Give him beans!
Es liegt an ihm.   -   It's up to him.
Das kann doch nichts schaden.   -   Come, come. That won't hurt him.
Herr Dingsbums   -   Mr. Whatcha-call-him
um es ihm zu ermöglichen   -   enable him
Er hängt von ihm ab.   -   He's up to him.
   |    next 15 »
You may easily play a joke on a man who likes to argue -- agree with him. -- Ed Howe
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