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62 results German - English substring search »
das Kolon   -   colon
Dickdarm {m}   -   colon
Kolitis, Schleimhautentzündung des Dickdarms   -   colitis, colon inflammation (medical)
Doppelpunkt {m}   -   colon
Kolon [med.]   -   colon
kolorektal, Dick- und Mastdarm betreffend   -   colorectal, colon and rectum-related (medical)
Strichpunkt   -   semi-colon
[ Personenname ]   -   Colon
Ergibtzeichen {n}   -   colon equal
Ergiebtzeichen(:=)   -   colon equal
Ektomie {f}   -   ectomy (surgical removal of a part, usually of some magnitude, e.g. jaw, stomach, colon etc.)
Ektomie {f}   -   resection (surgical removal of a part, usually of some magnitude, e.g. jaw, stomach, colon etc.)
Kolonie {f}   -   colony
Oberst {m}   -   colonel
Spalten {pl}   -   colons
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