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22 results German - English substring search »
alles in allem   -   all told
Weisser, vor allem WASP   -   pedigreed (US-Slang)
vor allem <vorallem>   -   above all
was auch; trotz allem   -   whatever
zu allem bereit   -   ready for anything
allem Anschein nach   -   to all appearances
bei allem Respekt   -   with all due respect
mit allem Drum und Dran   -   the whole shebang
vor allem; zunächst <vorallem>   -   first of all
nach allem; schließlich; also doch   -   after all
mit allem Drum und Dran   -   with all the bells and whistles
die Nase voll haben von allem   -   to be fed up with the whole shebang
allemann   -   everybody
[ Personenname ]   -   Alleman
[ Personenname ]   -   Allemand
   |    next 15 »
Hi! I'm Larry. This is my brother Bob, and this is my other brother Jimbo. We thought you might like to know the names of your assailants.
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