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18 results German - English substring search »
Alfalfa, blaue Luzerne (Lat.: Medicago sativa) {f}   -   alfalfa, purple medic (bot.)
Acrocyanosis haemopathica, blaue Verfärbung der Körperenden   -   acrocyanosis, blueness of hands & feet l' acrocyanose (medical)
ins Blaue hinein reden   -   to talk at large
das Blaue vom Himmel lügen   -   to lie to beat the band
blauer   -   bluer
blaueste   -   bluest
Bluterguss, blauer Fleck, verletzen   -   bruise
Bluterguss {m}; blauer Fleck   -   bruise
blaues Auge   -   shiner (ire.slang)
Er hat ein blaues Auge.   -   He has a black eye.
sein blaues Wunder erleben   -   to be for the high jump
blaugrün; mattgrüner bis graublauer Farbton   -   glaucous
mit einem blauen Auge davonkommen   -   to get off cheaply
mit einem blauen Auge davonkommen   -   to get off lightly
sein blaues Wunder erleben   -   to get the shock of one's life
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Whenever someone tells you to take their advice, you can be pretty sure that they're not using it.
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