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99 results German - English substring search »
Benehmen   -   conduct
leiten   -   to conduct
durchleiten   -   to conduct
Lebenswandel {m}   -   moral conduct
Kriegsführung {f}   -   conduct of war
Prozessführung {f}   -   conduct of a case
allgemeines Verhalten   -   general conduct
anstößiges Betragen   -   obnoxious conduct
Normen des Verhaltens   -   code of conduct
unpassendes Benehmen   -   improper conduct
ein Geschäft leiten   -   conduct a business
Versuche durchführen   -   conduct experiments
Fuehrungszeugnis   -   good-conduct certificate
Führung der Geschäfte   -   conduct of business
Führungszeugnis {n}   -   good-conduct certificate
   |    next 15 »
It may be that your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.
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