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214 results German - English substring search »
haften   -   adhere
haften; kleben   -   adhere
wird haften   -   shall be liable to
im Gedächtnis haften   -   to stick in one's mind
für die Schulden haften   -   liable for payment of the debts
wird für jeglichen Verlust haften   -   will be responsible for any loss
anhaften   -   adhere
anhaften   -   inhere
haftend   -   adherent
haftend   -   adhering
anhaftend   -   adherent
anhaftend   -   inhering
festhaftend   -   bonded
Klebstoff, anhaftend,selbstklebend   -   adhesive
verhaften, einsperren, einkerkern   -   imprison
   |    next 15 »
"BTW, does Jesus know you flame?" -- Diane Holt, dianeh@binky.UUCP, to Ed Carp
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