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426 results German - English substring search »
Kopf, Haupt, Abteilungsleiter   -   head
Haupt, Kopf   -   head
Kopf {m}   -   head
Kopf {m}; Chef {m}; Stück {n}   -   head
Haupt {n}; Kopf {m}   -   head
Keil {m}; Nase {f}; Bolzen {m}   -   gib head
Keil-, Nase, Bolzen   -   gib head
Oberhaupt {n}   -   head
oben   -   at the head
pro Kopf   -   per head
voran   -   at the head
Docke {f} (einer Drehbank)   -   poppet head
Fuss {m} (Ventil)   -   head (valve)
Füllkopf {m}   -   fill head
Kahlkopf {m}   -   bald head
   |    next 15 »
If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world. -- J.R.R. Tolkien
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