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12 results German - English substring search »
hofft   -   hopes
hofft   -   weens
Hoffnungen, hofft   -   hopes
hoffte   -   hoped
erhofft   -   hopes for
erhoffte   -   hoped for
gehofft; hoffte   -   hoped
unverhofft   -   unexpected
unverhoffter Glücksfall   -   windfalls
Unverhofft kommt oft.   -   Things always seem to happen when you least expect them.
Wir hätten uns ein stärkeres Echo aus der Öffentlichkeit erhofft.   -   We had hoped for a bigger response from the public.
Wir hätten uns eine größere Resonanz in der Öffentlichkeit erhofft.   -   We had hoped for a bigger response from the public.
Beauty: What's in your eye when you have a bee in your hand.
processing time: 0.048 [sec]

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