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30 results German - English substring search »
indirekte   -   indirectly
indirekte Rede {f}   -   blique speech
indirekte Steuer   -   indirect tax
indirekte Arbeit, unproduktive Arbeit   -   indirect work
indirekte Rede   -   reported speech
indirekte Kosten, mittelbare Kosten   -   indirect costs
indirekte Arbeit, unproduktive Arbeit   -   indirect labour
indirekte Einfuhr   -   indirect import
indirekte Kosten, Nebenkosten   -   incidental costs
indirekte Frage   -   underlying question
indirekte Werbung   -   indirect advertising
indirekte Beleuchtung   -   indirect lighting
indirekte Lohnkosten   -   indirect labour cost
indirekte Adressierung   -   indirect addressing
indirekte Materialkosten   -   indirect material cost
   |    next 15 »
Nothing makes one so vain as being told that one is a sinner. Conscience makes egotists of us all. -- Oscar Wilde
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