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27 results German - English substring search »
mag   -   might
kann   -   might
könnte   -   might
Macht {f}   -   might
mit aller Gewalt   -   with might and main
Macht geht vor Recht.   -   Might is right.
Sie können ebensogut ...   -   You might as well ...
Das dürfte der Fall sein.   -   That might well be so.
Wer mag es ihm gesagt haben?   -   Who might have told him?
Was ich auch immer tun mag ...   -   Whatever I might do ...
kann es im Interesse der Parteien sein   -   the parties might be well advised
Mächte   -   mights
Mächte {pl}   -   mights
mächtig   -   mighty
Gewalten {pl}   -   mights
   |    next 15 »
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. -- Wm. Shakespeare, "Hamlet"
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