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31 results German - English substring search »
Wohnort {m}; Wohnsitz {m}; Aufenthalt {m}   -   residence
Wohnsitz, Aufenthaltsort   -   residence
Residenz {f}; Wohnsitz {m}   -   residence
Hausrat   -   residence contents
Wohnort {m}   -   place of residence
Populationen   -   residence groups
Ortszuschlag   -   residence allowance
Systemresidenz {f}   -   system residence
Dienstwohnung {f}   -   official residence
Residenzeinheit {f}   -   residence device
Hauptwohnsitz {m}   -   principal residence
Hausversicherung   -   residence insurance
Wohnungsänderung   -   change of residence
Wohnungswechsel {m}   -   change of residence
Aufenthaltsbefugnis {f}   -   residence permit
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Animals can be driven crazy by putting too many in too small a pen. Homo sapiens is the only animal that voluntarily does this to himself. -- Lazarus Long
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