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119 results German - English whole word search »
Datenbasis {f}   -   pool
grundlos, ohne Basis   -   baseless
Basisband {n}   -   baseband
Basisjahr   -   base year
Basiswissen {n}   -   basics
Basissatz {m}   -   base rate
Basisgummi {m}   -   undertread
Basiszone {f}   -   base region
Grundpreis   -   basis price
Grundzahl, Basiszahl   -   basic number
Grupennorm   -   group basis
Preisbasis   -   price basis
Grundzahl {f}; Basiszahl {f}   -   basic number
Basisadresse   -   base adress
Basiszinssatz {m}   -   base rate
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The optimist thinks that this is the best of all possible worlds, and the pessimist knows it. -- J. Robert Oppenheimer, "Bulletin of Atomic Scientists"
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