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235 results German - English whole word search »
Muster   -   pattern
Muster {n}   -   sample
Raster {m}; Rastermuster {n}   -   raster
Muster   -   specimen
Muster {n}; Vorbild {n}   -   pattern
Probe {f}; Muster {n}   -   specimen
schimmlig, moderig   -   musty
schmust   -   butters
muffiger   -   mustier
Muster {pl}   -   patterns
Muster, Prototyp   -   prototype
schmust   -   smooches
Struktur, Muster, Ausfallmuster   -   pattern
Muster {n}; Prototyp {m}   -   prototype
schmuste   -   smooched
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Nonsense and beauty have close connections. -- E. M. Forster
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