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432 results German - English whole word search »
eine   -   one
eins   -   one
Ton {m}   -   tone
Zone, Gebiet   -   zone
eines   -   ones
getan, gehandelt   -   done
keine   -   none
Krone {f}   -   cap
tun   -   to do {did; done}
Zone {f}   -   area
Zone {f}; Bereich {m}   -   zone
büßen, gut machen, Ersatz leisten   -   atone
eher   -   sooner
einsam   -   lone
Erben, Thronerben   -   heirs
   |    next 15 »
Quigley's Law: Whoever has any authority over you, no matter how small, will atttempt to use it.
processing time: 1.001 [sec]

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