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295 results German - English whole word search »
da   -   that
Ja, das kennen wir schon.   -   Well, that's an old story.
das   -   that
dies   -   that
Ja, das ist etwas anderes.   -   Come now, that's different.
so   -   that way
damalig   -   that
da   -   given that
sodass   -   so that
Dachstroh {n}   -   thatch
danach   -   after that
das heißt   -   that is
Dachstrohs   -   thatches
damals   -   at that time
deswegen   -   that's why
   |    next 15 »
It's bad enough that life is a rat-race, but why do the rats always have to win?
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