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416 results German - English whole word search »
scheu {adj}   -   shy
viel {adj}; sehr {adv}   -   much
akut {adj} [med.]   -   acute
sämig {adj}   -   thick, viscid, creamy
regeln, regulieren   -   adjust
einsam {adj}   -   lonely
kapital {adj.}   -   major
Beigabe   -   adjunct
schüchtern {adj}   -   shy
angrenzen   -   adjoin
Beigabe {f}; Zusatz {m}; Zubehör {n}   -   adjunct
beschwor   -   adjured
burschikos {adj}   -   pert
glücklich {adj}   -   happy
glücklich {adj}   -   lucky
   |    next 15 »
Dawn, n.: The time when men of reason go to bed. -- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"
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