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180 results German - English whole word search »
tat   -   did
tun   -   to do {did; done}
löste   -   undid
offen   -   candid
offen   -   candidly
schäbig   -   sordid
tat nicht   -   didn
taten; tat   -   did
betrügen, übers Ohr hauen   -   diddle
Lehr.., Lern..   -   didactic
übertraf   -   outdid
schmutzig   -   sordid
tat nicht   -   didn't
Verzeihung, ich habe nicht recht verstanden.   -   Sorry, I didn't quite understand.
Anwärter, Kandidat   -   aspirant
   |    next 15 »
The human race never solves any of its problems. It merely outlives them. -- David Gerrold
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