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38 results German - English whole word search »
Aufsehen {n}   -   sensation
Sensation {f}   -   scorcher
Sensation, Empfindung, Gefühl, Sinneseindruck   -   sensation
Sensation {f}   -   sensation
Anästhesie, Betäubung   -   anesthesia, deadening of sensation (medical)
Exklusivbericht {m}; sensationelle Erstmeldung {f} (Zeitung)   -   scoop
Sensationen {pl}   -   scorchers
Empfindungen, Sensationen   -   sensations
Sensationen {pl}   -   sensations
spektakulär   -   sensational
Empfindungen {pl}; Sensationen {pl}   -   sensations
sensationell, aufsehenerregend   -   sensational
Sensationsroman, der   -   thriller
Vorbotenerscheinung   -   aura, warning sensation (before an epileptic seizure) (medical)
Betäubungsmittel   -   anesthetic, anaesthetic, drug to deaden sensation (medical)
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"You have been in Afghanistan, I perceive." -- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, "A Study in Scarlet"
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