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392 results German - English substring search »
Luftspalt {m}   -   air gap
Lufttaxi {n}   -   air taxi
Luftweg {m}   -   air route
Zuluft {f}   -   supply air
Abluft {f}   -   exhaust air
die Seeluft   -   sea air
Flugreise {f}   -   air trip
Freilicht {n}   -   open air
Luftloch   -   air pocket
Luftpumpe {f}   -   air-pump
lufttrocken   -   air dry
ungewiss   -   in the air
Außenluft {f}   -   outer air
das Luftbad   -   air bath
Fliegerin {f}   -   air woman
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"Cogito ergo I'm right and you're wrong." -- Blair Houghton
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