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39 results German - English substring search »
konkurrierend; Konkurrenz...; Wettbewerbs...   -   competitive
konkurrenzlos   -   unrivaled
der Konkurrenzkampf   -   rat-race
Konkurrenzgeschäft   -   rival firm
Konkurrenzgeschäft {n}   -   rival firm
konkurrenzfähigere   -   more competitive
Konkurrenzfähigkeit   -   competitiveness
konkurrenzfähigste   -   most competitive
gnadenloser Konkurrenzkampf   -   rat race
Konkurrenzfähigkeit {f}; Wettbewerbsfähigkeit {f}   -   competitiveness
Konkurrenzklausel   -   competition clause
Schönheitskonkurrenz {f}   -   beauty contest
Konkurrenzartikel, Konkurrenzware   -   competitive article
Konkurrenzkampf {m}   -   competition; rivalry
Wettbewebsklausel {f}; Konkurrenzklausel {f}   -   ancillary covenant
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lighthouse, n.: A tall building on the seashore in which the government maintains a lamp and the friend of a politician.
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