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200 results German - English substring search »
Faustregel {f}   -   rule of thumb
Faustregel {f}   -   rule-of-thumb
strenge Regel   -   strict rule
Trennlinie {f}   -   dividing rule
Daumenregel {f}   -   rule of thumb
Produktregel {f} [math.]   -   product rule
Rechenschieber {m}   -   slide rule
feste Regel   -   inflexible rule
Rechtsgrundsatz   -   rule of law
Fahrvorschrift {f}   -   driving rule
Rechenschieber {m}; Rechenstab {m}   -   sliding rule
Sonderregelung {f}   -   special rule
Sprachregel {f}   -   rule of grammar
allgemeine Regel   -   general rule
Erfahrungsregel, Faustregel   -   rule of thumb
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Friendships last when each friend thinks he has a slight superiority over the other. -- Honore DeBalzac
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