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39 results German - English substring search »
angenehme   -   pleasingly
unangenehm   -   unpleasant
unangenehm   -   unpleasing
unangenehm   -   disagreeable
unangenehm   -   disagreeably
unangenehm   -   unpleasantly
unangenehm, widerwärtig   -   disagreeable
angenehmer   -   more pleasant
unangenehm   -   objectionable
unangenehm   -   objectionably
angenehmste   -   most pleasant
unangenehme   -   displeasingly
Angenehmheit {f}   -   palatableness
unangenehmere   -   more unpleasant
unangenehmste   -   most unpleasant
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"We don't have to protect the environment -- the Second Coming is at hand." -- James Watt
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