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97 results German - English substring search »
zurückbleiben   -   to stay behind
zurücklassen   -   to leave behind
hinter; hinten; Hintern   -   behind
im Rang nachstehen   -   rank behind
hinter; hinten; dahinter   -   behind
dahintersteckend   -   being behind it
hinterher (örtlich)   -   after; behind
den Hintermann ausbremsen   -   to brake, forcing the person behind to slow down
zurückbleiben   -   lag behind the times
zurückbleiben hinter   -   to lag behind
hinter den Kulissen   -   behind the scenes
hinter Schloss und Riegel   -   behind bars
dahintergesteckt   -   having been behind it
einlochen (einsperren)   -   to put behind bars
Was steckt dahinter?   -   What's behind all this?
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