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83 results German - English substring search »
Handkurbel {f}   -   crank handle
Steckgriff {m} {m} (starr, für Schlüssel)   -   drive handle
Drehgriff {m}   -   turning handle
Klappgriff {m}   -   hinged handle
Andrehkurbel {f}   -   crank handle
Eimerhenkel {m}   -   bucket-handle
Kegelgriff {m}   -   tapered handle
Kugelgriff {m}   -   spherical handle
Einschlagheft {n}   -   folding handle
gezogener Henkel   -   pulled handle
Henkel ziehen   -   to pull a handle
seitlicher Henkel   -   strap-handle
vorsichtig umgehen   -   handle with care
- : Denke global, handle vor Ort.   -   TGAL : Think globally, act locally.
leichter zu handhaben   -   easier to handle
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...this is an awesome sight. The entire rebel resistance buried under six million hardbound copies of "The Naked Lunch." -- The Firesign Theater
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