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64 results German - English substring search »
schneidend   -   slicing
ausübend   -   practicing
opfernd   -   sacrificing
scherzend   -   frolicing
Verbinden {n}   -   splicing
ausströmend   -   sluicing
ausreichend   -   sufficing
feststellend   -   noticing
frohlockend   -   rejoicing
vergitternd   -   latticing
aufopfernd   -   sacrificing
Fakturierung   -   invoicing
neu preisend   -   repricing
sich freuend   -   rejoicing
Zuordnen {n} von Zeitscheiben   -   time-slicing
« previous 15    |    next 15 »
Pryor's Observation: How long you live has nothing to do with how long you are going to be dead.
processing time: 0.194 [sec]

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